Read the key chapters FREE

Take the first steps toward a thriving chiropracticbusiness today

“Anyone who follows the advice offered in this guide will be successful, period.”

Gerard Clum, President Emeritus, Life Chiropractic College West

Learn 3 practical strategies that have seen me build and sell 10 chiropractic businesses and develop dozens of successful associates:

(The same strategies that have helped 3,000+ Five Star coaching clients globally succeed.)

Turning the $188,000
mistake into gold

The 5 belief shifts and action steps to a practice that keeps generating GREAT revenue while you’re on vacation.

Developing successful

The 7 key steps to successful associates that see you replicate your success in others.

The most important question you’ll ever askyour associate

What to look out for in the recruitment process to ensure your associate is a great fit for your practice.

Are these FREE chapters of the Chiropractor’s

Guide to business worth your while?

Steven P. Jones

Amazon ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review by Steven P Jones,a

 22-year chiropractor

"This book breaks down a load of decades of experience in Chiropractic practice in aentertaining and useful easy read. Every page seems to have thousands of dollars in value!"

Susan Blaskay

Amazon ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review by Susan Blaskay, DC

with over 28 years of experience

"If you are looking to restore or begin the practice of your dreams that is streamlined, busy, fun, whiletreating as many patients as your heart desires while being financially rewarded and take dreamvacations, this is the book for you!"

Add them to your must-read list if you…

  • Have grown to a certain point, but want to grow bigger
  • Plan to transition from a full-time practice into semi-retirement
  • Feel burned out in your practice
  • Just graduated as a chiropractor and want actionable steps towards your dream practice
  • Have considered associates for your practice, but have no idea where to start or failed in the past
  • Want to have more fun and make more money

Hi, I’m Dr. Noel Lloyd

Five Star Founder & a chiropractor with 52 years of experience

I graduated from chiropractor school at age 22, and it wasn’t long before I built a huge practice—until a serious ski accident made itimpossible to practice.

Rather than close down and give up, I decided to stay involved in the profession, and developed over 70 highly profitableyoung associates who would eventually take my place.

Along the way, I built and sold 10 highly successful clinics to these young doctors, and developed the proven WIN-WIN Associate Model that’s helped thousands of chiropractors go from burned-out and overwhelmed to confident and thriving on all levels.

As featured in & trusted by

If you’re curious how I turned a $188K mistake into a million dollar practice…

…then download your FREE chapters now.